Knowing the Skin Type makes the Makeup Artist Perfect


Your skin acts as a shield and protects your body from getting damaged from heat, cold, dust, air, and light. So you must know your skin type. Further, it is all the more important for an aspiring makeup artist to know the various skin types before you start offering your services to people. Broadly, you can classify skin into 5 types:

  • Oily
  • Dry
  • Normal
  • Combination
  • Sensitive

Typically, any type of skin needs daily pampering and it could be maintained by routine cleansing and moisturizing. Every skin type has its own needs to stay healthy. This can be better understood by beginning to know your skin type. Let’s dive deeper to understand this further.

Test to identify your skin type:

This DIY (do it yourself) test helps you find what sort of skin you have simply by seeing how your skin reacts after cleansing and purifying. To begin, clean up with a gentle cleanser and pat dry or tenderly wipe off the face. After waiting for 30 minutes if your skin seems shiny all through, you probably have oily skin. In case it feels tight and is flaky or layered, you probably have dry skin. If the shine is just in your T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin)., you presumably have combination skin, and in case your skin feels hydrated and comfortable, yet not shiny, you probably have normal skin. But if your skin reacts to any of the products and gets irritation, blemishes, or inflammation, then it’s because you have a very sensitive skin.

Types of skin:

  • Oily Skin: If your skin produces an excess of sebum that causes the skin to appear shiny and feel greasy, especially throughout the T-Zone that means you have Oily skin. This type of skin is more likely to have enlarged pores, develop acne blemishes and be more prone to acne breakouts. With its natural oils, an oily skin protects and moisturizes, naturally staving off fine lines and maintaining elasticity longer. Ensure you have a good exfoliating non-comedogenic toner or serum to keep your pores clear. The ideal skincare remedy to keep the oily skin healthy is to use oil-free products.
  • Dry Skin: Dry skin is regularly dull and may turn out to be harsh, flaky, or even textured. It frequently feels tight or less flexible and might be prone to showing more noticeable lines. Thus, it may become itchy or irritated and dry. Hydrating and protective skincare items are ideal items for this skin type, this incorporates gentle and chemical-free cleansers, hydrating serums, rich lotions and moisturizers, and face oils to battle flakiness.
  • Normal Skin: It is a balanced kind of skin, feeling neither dry nor oily. Usually considered as the best type of skin as it is not prone to breakouts, flakiness, feeling slick or tight. Skin pores are usually small, the skin’s texture is smooth, and it is less likely to be prone to sensitivity or blemishes. A proper cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing routine are generally needed to keep the skin healthy and problem-free.
  • Combination Skin: As the name suggests, combination skin has both oily and dry characteristics. It includes areas that are dry as well as oily, with the T-Zone mostly being oily, and the cheeks being either dry or normal. Some people have an oily T-zone and dryness on their cheeks; others may have dehydrated skin that’s also breakout-prone. Accordingly, this type of skin requires a combination of products for every part of your face to help you address issues most optimally. For example, if you identify that your cheeks are prone to dryness, you can resolve the issue by moisturizing them during your daily routine. Similarly, if the T-zone is too oily then keep them grease-free by wiping off the area with blotting paper and applying oil-free moisturizers.
  • Sensitive Skin: This kind of skin is often referred to as a skin type but it could be oily, dry or normal while being sensitive. Regardless of the skin type, if you have sensitive skin then it may show symptoms like it may get red, feel like it’s burning, itching or dry. These symptoms may appear because of high exposure to external irritants. It may be triggered by certain ingredients such as dyes or fragrance apart from the environmental pollution. If you have skin sensitivity, you may be able to determine what triggers your sensitivity especially when it comes to certain chemical products like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinol, which can be potential irritants. Avoid products containing those specific ingredients or alter your environment to reduce your exposure to triggering agents. Consider consulting with a skin specialist or a dermatologist for better knowledge of products suitable for the skin.

If you wish to gain a better understanding of how to make a career as a Makeup specialist, learn more about the Makeup artistry course at Trends Institute of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad.

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